Claudius Ptolemy & Laurent Fries, Hungary, Romania & the Balkans, 1535£ 750.00
Martin Waldseemüller & Laurent Fries, Slovakia, Hungary, Transylvania & Poland, 1541£ 875.00
Claudius Ptolemy & Laurent Fries, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, 1541£ 1,650.00
Sebastian Münster, Istrian Peninsula, Croatia, 1558£ 195.00
Sebastian Münster, De Vngaria Translyvania Vngarici, 1558£ 295.00
Sebastian Münster, Poland, Hungary & Ukraine, 1558£ 495.00
Abraham Ortelius, Schlavoniae, Croatiae, Carniae, Istriae, Bosniae, Finitimarvmqve Regionvm Nova Descriptio, Avctore Avgvstino Hirsvogelio, 1590 c.£ 825.00
Abraham Ortelius, Histria, 1600 c.£ 195.00
Matthias Quad, Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia & Dalmatiae Pars Maior, 1609£ 650.00
Mercator Hondius, Sclavonia, Croatia, Bosnia cum Dalmatiae Parte, 1636£ 425.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Istria olim Iapidia, 1640 c.£ 795.00
Jan Jansson, Adriatic coast of the Balkans, 1661£ 185.00
Jan Jansson, The course of the Danube, 1666£ 525.00
Domenico & Giuseppe Rossi, Dalmatian coast from Zadar to Shkodër, 1689£ 1,650.00
Robert Morden, Romania, 1693£ 145.00
Robert Morden, Turky in Europe, 1693£ 98.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Contado de Zara Parte della Dalmatia, 1696£ 1,150.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Isole delli Dalmatia, 1696£ 1,250.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Ragusi, 1696£ 345.00
Nicolas Sanson, Partie de Turquie en Europe, 1700£ 275.00
Pieter van der Aa, Turkey in Europe, 1714£ 285.00
Pieter Schenk, Le Gouvernement de Raguse, estant une Partie de Dalmatie, avec quelques isles, 1730 c.£ 1,250.00
Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Turquie en Europe, 1730 c.£ 325.00
Elias Baeck, La Turquie en Europe, 1748£ 165.00
Tobias Conrad Lotter, Miniature map of the Balkans, Greece, the Aegean, 1755 c.£ 95.00
Herman Moll, The North Part of Turky in Europe, Slavonia & c, 1755 c.£ 95.00
Tobias Conrad Lotter, The Balkans during Russo-Turkish War of 1735-8, 1755 c.£ 95.00
Emanuel Bowen, Greece and the Balkans, 1766£ 195.00
Carington Bowles, Carte de la Turquie Europeenne, 1770 c.£ 285.00
Robert de Vaugondy, Discoveries in the North Pacific according to a Japanese World Map, 1772£ 695.00
Robert Sayer, Russian Discoveries in Siberia, Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1775£ 1,325.00
Francois Santini, Turkey, Greece and the Balkans, 1780 c.£ 345.00
Tobias Conrad Lotter, James Cook's Voyage to the North Pacific & Bering Strait, 1781£ 2,750.00
Gerhard Friedrich Muller, Russian Discoveries in Siberia, Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1784£ 1,200.00
Franz Von Reilly, Koenigreiche Kroatien, 1790 c.£ 395.00
William Faden, European Dominions of the Ottomans or Turkey in Europe, 1795£ 695.00
John Meares, The North Pacific Ocean, 1795 c.£ 675.00
George Cooke, Miniature map of Greece and the Balkans, 1800£ 125.00
John Cary, A New Map of Turkey in Europe, 1801£ 325.00
Christian Gottlieb Reichard, Chart of the North Pacific Ocean, 1804£ 785.00
Morse and Andrews, Greece, Bosnia, Serbia and Bulgaria, 1805£ 68.00
C. & E. Brightly, Turkey in Europe and Hungary, 1805£ 62.00