Andreas Cellarius, Haemisphaeria Sphaerarum Rectae et Obliquae Utriusque Motus et Longitudines tam Coelestes quam Terrestres ac Stellarum Affectiones Monsrantia, 1661£ 3,500.00
Andreas Cellarius, Hypothesis Ptolemaica, sive Communis Planetarum Motus per Eccentricos et Epicyclos Demonstrans, 1661£ 3,500.00
Andreas Cellarius, Theoria Veneris et Mercurii, 1661£ 3,500.00
Andreas Cellarius, Theoriatrium Superiorum Planetarum, 1661£ 3,500.00
Andreas Cellarius, Tychonis Brahe Calculus Planetarum Cursus et Altitudines ob Oculos Ponens, 1661£ 3,500.00
Louis Vlasblom, Stellatum Planisphaerium, 1675£ 4,450.00
Alain Manesson Mallet, Etoilles Nouvelles, 1683£ 225.00
Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, Astronomical Diagrams, 1700£ 245.00
Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, Astronomical Diagrams - Sextants & Sundials, 1700£ 245.00
Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, Astronomical Diagrams - the Earth's Revolution, 1700£ 245.00
Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, Astronomical Diagrams - Eclipses, 1700£ 245.00
Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, Astronomical Diagrams - Earth's Orbit, 1700£ 245.00
Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, Astronomical Diagrams - the Solar System, 1700£ 245.00
Nicolas de Fer, The Solar Systems, 1705£ 625.00
Nicolas de Fer, Celestial Double Hemisphere, 1705£ 1,150.00
Pierre Mortier, Boussole des Vents, 1708£ 2,000.00
Jacques Chiquet, Globe Terrestre. Globe Celeste, 1719£ 295.00
Johann Baptist Homann, Phaenomena in Planetis Primarus, 1720 c.£ 985.00
Johann Baptist Homann, Planisphaerium Caeleste, 1720 c.£ 2,750.00
Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Globe Celeste, 1730 c.£ 395.00
Johann Michael Probst, Planisphaerium Coeleste, 1760 c.£ 3,950.00
Maurille-Antoine Moithey, Hemisphère Céleste Méridional, 1768£ 550.00
John Senex, Orbit of the Solar System, 1770 (c.)£ 3,500.00
John Flamsteed, L'Aigle, Antinous, La Fleche, le Renard, Le Dauphin, 1779£ 350.00
John Flamsteed, L'Hydre, Le Sextans, 1779£ 350.00
John Flamsteed, Le Belier, 1779£ 350.00
John Flamsteed, Le Giraffe, Le Cocher, 1779£ 350.00
Pierre Tardieu, Diametres du Soleil et des Planetes comparés à celiu de la Terre, 1785£ 275.00
Thomas Kelly, The Armillary Sphere, 1817£ 125.00
Richard Phillips, Celestial Map of the Constellations in the Southern Hemisphere, 1820£ 295.00
Samuel Leigh, Auriga, 1824 c.£ 240.00
Samuel Leigh, Bootes Canes Venatici, Coma Berenices, and Quadrans Muralis, 1824 c.£ 240.00
Samuel Leigh, Camelopardalis, Tarandus and Custos Messium., 1824 c.£ 240.00
Samuel Leigh, Cassiopeia, 1824 c.£ 240.00
Samuel Leigh, Cepheus, 1824 c.£ 240.00
Samuel Leigh, Hercules and Corona Borealis, 1824 c.£ 225.00
Samuel Leigh, Lynx, 1824 c.£ 240.00
Samuel Leigh, Pegasus and Equuleus, 1824 c.£ 240.00
Samuel Leigh, Taurus,Poniatowski,Serpentariuus, 1824 c.£ 240.00
Duncan Bradford, Herschel's Forty-Foot Reflecting Telescope, 1837 c.£ 350.00
John William Norie, A Set of Celestial Maps intended to assist Students in Astronomy, and Seamen in general, In acquiring a knowledge of the Principal Fixed Stars in the Heavens., 1844£ 875.00
George Baxter, Muggletonian Celestial Diagrams, 1846£ 3,450.00
Eugene Belin, Ciel et Terre, 1850 c.£ 475.00
James Reynolds, Cometes et Aérolithes, 1850 c.£ 295.00
James Reynolds, Principle of the Sundial, 1850 c.£ 95.00
James Reynolds, The Earth and its Atmosphere, 1850 c.£ 275.00
James Reynolds, The Sun and Solar Phenomena, 1850 c.£ 325.00
James Reynolds, Transparent Chart of the Heavens, 1850 c.£ 950.00
James Reynolds, Transparent Diagram of the Phases of the Moon, 1850 c.£ 950.00
James Reynolds, Transparent Solar System, displaying the Planets with their Orbits, as known at the present day., 1850 c.£ 950.00
James Reynolds, The Earth's Annual Revolution around the Sun, 1851£ 325.00
James Reynolds, Eclipses, 1851 c.£ 245.00
James Reynolds, Methods of Ascertaing the Latitude, 1851 c.£ 95.00
James Reynolds, The Theory of the Seasons and Signs of the Zodiac, 1851 c.£ 345.00