John Wilkes, Cactus - Prickly Pear, 1829 c.£ 250.00
John Wilkes, Cactus - Prickly Pear with Ladybirds and Cochineal, 1829 c.£ 250.00
John Wilkes, Porpoise, Dolphin and Orca, 1829 c.£ 550.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Anatomy - Brain and vicera, 1829£ 195.00
John Wilkes, Anatomy - Central Nervous System, 1829£ 195.00
John Wilkes, Anatomy - Myology, 1829£ 195.00
John Wilkes, Anatomy - Myology, 1829£ 195.00
John Wilkes, Anatomy - Vascular System, 1829£ 195.00
John Wilkes, Architecture - Columns, 1829£ 295.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Architecture - Gothic, 1829£ 295.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Architecture - Orders, 1829£ 295.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Architecture - Orders, 1829£ 295.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Architecture - Orders, 1829£ 295.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Artillery, 1829£ 95.00
John Wilkes, Artillery, 1829£ 95.00
John Wilkes, Blue Mahi-Mahi and Sea Peacock (Coryphaena), 1829£ 575.00
John Wilkes, Five spotted and Common Mahi-Mahi (Coryphaena), 1829£ 575.00
John Wilkes, France - Paris, Bastille St Antoine, 1829£ 145.00
John Wilkes, Frogs, 1829£ 295.00
John Wilkes, Golden Tench (Cyprinus), 1829£ 550.00
John Wilkes, Heraldry - Knighthood, 1829£ 345.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Heraldry - Knighthood, 1829£ 275.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Heraldry - Knighthood, 1829£ 345.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Kingfisher - Cock And Hen, 1829£ 550.00
John Wilkes, London - St. Paul's Cathedral, 1829£ 325.00
John Wilkes, Octopus and Squid (Sepia), 1829£ 650.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Peru - Incan Empire, Sun Festival, 1829£ 125.00
John Wilkes, Pike (Esox), 1829£ 650.00
John Wilkes, Porcupinefish, 1829£ 650.00
John Wilkes, Portrait - George Washington, 1829£ 95.00
John Wilkes, Scotch Pine, 1829£ 350.00
John Wilkes, Seaweeds (Coralina), 1829£ 695.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Shells - Bivalves, 1829£ 295.00
John Wilkes, Shells - Nautilus, 1829£ 450.00
John Wilkes, Shells - Nautilus, 1829£ 450.00
John Wilkes, Shells - Nerit, Helix and Turbo, 1829£ 295.00
John Wilkes, Shooting - Guns, 1829£ 175.00
John Wilkes, Star Fish (Sea Star), 1829£ 295.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Stargazer, Pompano, Lookdown, Ponyfish, 1829£ 295.00
John Wilkes, Venus Fly Trap, 1829£ 395.00
John Wilkes, Waxwing - Crested Chatterer, 1829£ 325.00
John Wilkes, Ships - Configurations by Masts, 1828£ 150.00
John Wilkes, Ships - Configurations by Masts, 1828£ 150.00
John Wilkes, Ships - Rigging, 1828£ 150.00
John Wilkes, Spain - Escurial , 1828£ 125.00
John Wilkes, The Balkans and Greece, 1828£ 195.00
John Wilkes, Warwickshire, 1828£ 75.00
John Wilkes, Wiltshire, 1828£ 88.00
John Wilkes, Worcestershire, 1828£ 82.00
John Wilkes, Italy - Rome, Colosseum, 1827£ 225.00
John Wilkes, Italy - Rome, Pantheon and Temple of Concord, 1827£ 95.00
John Wilkes, Italy - Rome, Temple of Herucles and Temple of Fortuna Viirilis, 1827£ 95.00
John Wilkes, Somersetshire, 1827£ 75.00
John Wilkes, Staffordshire, 1827£ 72.00
John Wilkes, Sussex, 1827£ 125.00
John Wilkes, Oak Tree, 1826£ 295.00
John Wilkes, Poland - General Koschiusko, 1826£ 65.00
John Wilkes, Sugarcane and Sandalwood , 1826£ 325.00
John Wilkes, Anatomy - Physiognomy, 1825£ 75.00
John Wilkes, Butterflies - Atlas, Emperor and Moon moths, 1825£ 395.00
John Wilkes, Butterflies - Papilio sophora and clio, 1825£ 295.00
John Wilkes, Chickens - Wild Cock and Hen, 1825£ 295.00
John Wilkes, Italy - Pisa, 1825£ 325.00
John Wilkes, Mushrooms - Morels, 1825£ 195.00
John Wilkes, Palm - Date Palm, 1825£ 295.00
John Wilkes, Spruce Tree, 1825£ 295.00
John Wilkes, Britannia, 1823£ 145.00
John Wilkes, Burma - Pegu /Bago, 1823£ 145.00
John Wilkes, China - Peking/Beijing, Western Gates, 1823£ 350.00
John Wilkes, France - Allegory of France, 1823£ 125.00
John Wilkes, Ireland - Allegory of Ireland, 1823£ 125.00
John Wilkes, London - Apotheosis of Hippocrates, 1823£ 125.00
John Wilkes, Peru - Incan Empire, 1823£ 125.00
John Wilkes, Russia - St Petersburg, Senate Square, 1823£ 175.00
John Wilkes, Seadragon and Longtail Seamoth, 1823£ 145.00
John Wilkes, Butterflies - Papilio, 1821£ 450.00
John Wilkes, Butterflies - Papilio, 1821£ 450.00
John Wilkes, Butterflies - Papilio, 1821Reserved
John Wilkes, Butterflies - Papilio, 1821Reserved
John Wilkes, France - Paris, Arch de Triomphe, 1821£ 145.00
John Wilkes, France - Paris, Fountaine des Innocens, 1821£ 95.00
John Wilkes, France - Paris, Louvre, 1821£ 145.00
John Wilkes, France - Paris, Notre Dame, 1821£ 145.00
John Wilkes, Sheep, 1821£ 95.00
John Wilkes, Syria - Palmyra, 1821£ 195.00
John Wilkes, Astronomy and Architecture, 1820£ 125.00
John Wilkes, Oxfordshire, 1820£ 98.00
John Wilkes, Physics - Optics, 1820£ 195.00
John Wilkes, Architecture - Tuscan Order, 1819£ 195.00