Martin Waldseemüller & Laurent Fries, The Second Printed Map of Southern Africa, 1541£ 4,950.00
Petrus Bertius, Africae pars meridional., 1618£ 450.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Southern & Central Africa, 1640 c.£ 1,250.00
Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, Pays, et Coste des Caffres: Empires du Monomotapa Monoemugi, 1656£ 695.00
Athanasius Kircher, The Source of the Nile in the Mountains of the Moon, 1665£ 1,750.00
Robert Morden, Southern & Central Africa, 1688£ 375.00
Pierre Duval, Southern & Central Africa, 1694£ 295.00
Pierre Mortier, Carte Particuliere des Costes du Cap de Bone Esperance, 1700£ 2,500.00
Nicolas de Fer, Southern & Central Africa, 1702£ 795.00
Pieter van der Aa, Le Cap de Bonne Esperance, 1713£ 725.00
François Valentyn, Cape Town, 1727£ 950.00
Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Southern & Central Africa, 1730 c.£ 1,250.00
Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Le Cap de Bonne Esperance, 1730 c.£ 475.00
Jacob van der Schley, Chart of the coast of Angola, Namibia, and South Africa, 1747£ 175.00
Jacob van der Schley, Carte de la Coste Occidentale D'Afrique depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance, 1747£ 175.00
Emanuel Bowen, A New & Accurate Map of the Southern Parts of Africa, 1747£ 695.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Carte de la Baye de la Table, 1750 c.£ 245.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, La Pays des Hottentots, 1750 c.£ 275.00
Thomas Salmon, A Map of the Country of Hottentots towards the Cape of Good Hope, 1759£ 395.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Plan du Fort et de la Ville du Cap de Bonne Esperance, 1760 c.£ 325.00
Tobias Conrad Lotter, Southern Africa & the Cape of Good Hope, 1778£ 745.00
John Bew, A Map and Chart of the Cape of Good Hope, with the Soundings in Table Bay, False Bay & Saldaniia Bay, 1781£ 595.00
Dr. Andreas Sparman, De Kaap de Goede Hoop, 1787 c.£ 565.00
Rigobert Bonne, Southern Africa, 1790 c.£ 150.00
Laurie & Whittle, A New Chart of the Southern Coast of Africa, 1794£ 3,250.00
Laurie & Whittle, A Plan of Table Bay with the Road of the Cape of Good Hope, 1794£ 2,950.00
Charles Francois Delamarche, Southern & Central Africa, 1795£ 325.00
William Faden, The Dutch Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, 1795£ 1,550.00
Francois Levaillant, Carte de la Partie Meridionale de L'Afrique, 1796£ 3,450.00
Laurie & Whittle, A Hydrographic Survey of False Bay or Bay False, 1798£ 1,650.00
Geographisches Institut Weimar, Charte Von de Halbinsel, 1804£ 595.00
Capt. James Horsburgh, Sea Chart of South Africa & Madagascar, 1812£ 785.00
John Thomson, South Africa, 1815£ 150.00
Philippe Vandermaelen, Western Cape, South Africa, 1827£ 1,100.00
George Thomson, George Thomson's Plan of Cape Town and Environs, 1827£ 750.00
Adrien Brue, Southern Africa & the Cape Colony, 1828 c.£ 250.00
Thomas Starling, Southern Africa, 1830£ 165.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Outline Map of Southern Africa, 1833£ 82.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch of South Africa, 1833 c.£ 55.00
James Wyld, Cape District Cape of Good Hope, 1838£ 1,150.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Capt. Alexander's Route in South Africa, 1838£ 425.00
John Arrowsmith, Cape of Good Hope, 1842£ 850.00
John Arrowsmith, Cape of Good Hope, 1842£ 68.00
John Arrowsmith, Cape of Good Hope, 1842£ 850.00
Joseph Meyer, Neueste Karte von Sudafrica, 1846£ 225.00
John Arrowsmith, Eastern Frontier of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, 1847£ 495.00
John Arrowsmith, Sketch of Natal, 1848£ 225.00
James Wyld, South Africa, 1850 c.£ 1,275.00
John Tallis, Natal and Kaffraria, 1851£ 325.00
John Tallis, Cape Colony, 1851£ 395.00
French Admiralty, Ocean atlantique - Cotes D'Afrique - False Bay, 1852£ 475.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), South Africa, 1858£ 145.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch to Accompany a Trading Trip into the Orange River Free States, 1859£ 92.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), South Africa - Map of Zulu, Amatonga, Natal & Kafir Land, 1862£ 115.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Chart of the Currents Off the Cape of Good Hope, 1865£ 345.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of the Colony of Natal, 1867£ 85.00
James Imray, The Coast of the Cape Colony, 1868£ 2,250.00
Justus Perthes, Missionary Map of South Africa, 1869£ 75.00
Justus Perthes, Originalkarte von C.Mauch's Reisen im Innern von Sud-Afrika, 1870£ 345.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map of Mr. Baines' Routes Between the Limpopo and Zambesi Rivers, 1871£ 150.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), A Sketch map of Part of South Eastern Africa to Illustrate the Journeys of Dr Lacerda (1798) the Pombeiros (1806-11) and Major Monteiro (1831-32), 1873£ 395.00