Abraham Ortelius, La Florida, 1598£ 2,950.00
Nicolas Sanson, Mexico and Central America, 1656£ 1,450.00
Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin, A Map of the Countrey and Citty of Panama, 1695 c.£ 950.00
Pierre Mortier, Carte Particuliere de Isthmus, ou Darien, qui comprend le Golfe de Panama, 1708£ 2,450.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Plan de la Baye et Ville de Portobelo, 1750 c.£ 175.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Plan de la Baye et Ville de Portobelo, 1754£ 175.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Baye de Porto Bello, 1764£ 195.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Baye de Porto-Belo et Costes Voisines, 1764£ 195.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Panama, 1764£ 425.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Chagres, Panama, 1764£ 125.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Isthmus of Panama, 1764£ 345.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Scotland's Darien Colony, Panama, 1764£ 425.00
Thomas Jefferys, A Map of the Isthmus of Darien and Bay of Panama, 1766£ 125.00
Thomas Jefferys, The Coast of New Spain from Neuva Vera Cruz to Triste Island, 1775£ 550.00
Thomas Jefferys, The Island of Jamaica and Cape Gracias a Dios with the Banks, 1775£ 350.00
Antonio Zatta, Messico ovvero Nuova Spagna, 1785£ 795.00
John Pinkerton, Spanish Dominions in North America, Southern Part, 1811£ 650.00
Depot de la Marine, Carte Reduite De La Mer Des Antilles, 1813£ 775.00
John Thomson, Spanish North America, Southern Part, 1816£ 495.00
Adrien Brue, Carte Generale des Etats-Unis Mexicains et des Provinces-Unies de L'Amerique Centrale, 1825£ 375.00
Philippe Vandermaelen, Amer. Sep. Partie du Mexique et de Guatemala, 1827£ 350.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of Central America, 1841£ 385.00
Henry Teesdale, Mexico and Guatimala, 1841£ 945.00
Thomas Kelly, Mexico & Guatemala, 1842£ 150.00
Samuel Augustus Mitchell, Mexico & Guatemala, 1849£ 185.00
John Tallis, Isthmus of Panama, 1851£ 325.00
John Tallis, Central America, 1851£ 385.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Proposal for a Nicaragua Canal, 1851£ 175.00
Aimé Robiquet, Carte des Cotes de L'Amerique Centrale, 1852£ 725.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Part of the Isthmus of Darien, 1853£ 140.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), Yucatan, Belize, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and the southern states of Mexico, 1853£ 195.00
British Admiralty, Central America - West Coast, 1854£ 200.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Isthmus of Darien, 1857£ 225.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch showing the Position of Lake Yojoa or Taulebe, also The Proposed Railway between the Bay of Honduras and the Bay of Fonseca to illustrate a Paper by E. G. Squier Esq. 1859, 1859£ 125.00
Archibald Fullarton, Central America, Namely the (Late) Confederated States of Central America; the Mexican States of Chiapa, Tabasco & Yucatan; and British Honduras, 1860 c.£ 325.00
Justus Perthes, Der Isthmus von San Blas, 1862£ 66.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of the Mosquito Territory, From Surveys and Sketches - made during several years residence in the Country; by Chas. N. Bell. Esqr., 1862£ 185.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Isthmus of Panama to illustrate the Paper by Laurence Oliphant Esq., 1865£ 75.00
British Admiralty, Belize Harbour on the coast of Honduras by Comr. R. Owen in H. M. Ship Blossom 1830, 1866£ 785.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of a Part of the Isthmus of Darien, 1867£ 195.00
Lucien Wyse, Carte Generale du Darien Meridional, 1877£ 595.00
Justus Perthes, Costa Rica, 1877£ 325.00
Arbuckle Brothers Company, Central America, 1889£ 125.00
Justus Perthes, Der Goldminen-Distrikte im ostlichen Nicaragua, 1893£ 68.00
Justus Perthes, Kartenskizze der Vulkane in West-Guatemala, 1895£ 68.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Costa Rica, 1897£ 395.00
G. & J. Bartholomew, Mexico and Central America, 1897£ 48.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), North East Nicaragua, 1898£ 265.00
Julius Bien, Map Showing Line of Proposed Lock Canal, 1906£ 1,450.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of Part of Guatemala, 1908£ 285.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Panama Canal, 1909£ 295.00
Enciclopedia Segui, Costa Rica, 1910 c.£ 55.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Vasco Nunez de Balboa's Discovery of the Pacific Ocean, 1913£ 78.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Panama Canal to illustrate a paper by Vaughan Cornish, 1914£ 345.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Chart of the Panama Canal, 1914 c.£ 495.00
I.L. Maduro Jr., Map of the Republic of Panama, 1915 c.£ 775.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Belize (British Honduras), 1927£ 225.00
General Drafting Co., Mapa de la Republica de Costa Rica, 1965 (c.)£ 185.00
Jose Andres Masis, Mapa Turistico De Costa Rica, 1970£ 275.00