• Homann Heirs, Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada, 1755
    Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada, 1755
    Homann Heirs
    Series: Nuremberg
    Homann Heirs, Partie Occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada, 1755
    £ 3,650.00
  • Andrea Scacciati, Carta rappresentante i cinque Laghi del Canada, 1763
    Carta rappresentante i cinque Laghi del Canada, 1763
    Andrea Scacciati
    Series: Florence
    Andrea Scacciati, Carta rappresentante i cinque Laghi del Canada, 1763
    £ 675.00
  • Antonio Zatta, La Pensilvania La Nuova York, Il Jersey Settentriole, Con La Parte Occidentale Del Connecticut, Massachusset-S-Bay E L'Irochesia, 1779
    La Pensilvania La Nuova York, Il Jersey Settentriole, Con La Parte Occidentale Del Connecticut, Massachusset-S-Bay E L'Irochesia, 1779
    Antonio Zatta
    Series: Venice
    Antonio Zatta, La Pensilvania La Nuova York, Il Jersey Settentriole, Con La Parte Occidentale Del Connecticut, Massachusset-S-Bay E L'Irochesia, 1779
    £ 825.00
  • Morris Birkbeck, Map of part of the United States of North America with the Territory of Illinois on the Ohio particularly designed to illustrate Birkbeck's Journey, 1818
    Map of part of the United States of North America with the Territory of Illinois on the Ohio particularly designed to illustrate Birkbeck's Journey, 1818
    Morris Birkbeck
    Morris Birkbeck, Map of part of the United States of North America with the Territory of Illinois on the Ohio particularly designed to illustrate Birkbeck's Journey, 1818
    £ 1,250.00
  • Carey & Lea, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Ohio, 1823
    Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Ohio, 1823
    Carey & Lea
    Series: Philadelphia
    Carey & Lea, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Map of Ohio, 1823
    £ 875.00
  • Philippe Vandermaelen, Partie des Etats-Unis. (50), 1827
    Partie des Etats-Unis. (50), 1827
    Philippe Vandermaelen
    Series: Brussels
    Philippe Vandermaelen, Partie des Etats-Unis. (50), 1827
    £ 550.00
  • I.T. Hinton, Map of the States of Indiana and Ohio with Part of Michigan Territory, 1832
    Map of the States of Indiana and Ohio with Part of Michigan Territory, 1832
    I.T. Hinton
    Series: London
    I.T. Hinton, Map of the States of Indiana and Ohio with Part of Michigan Territory, 1832
    £ 295.00
  • Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North America Sheet VIII, 1833
    North America Sheet VIII, 1833
    Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK)
    Series: London
    Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North America Sheet VIII, 1833
    £ 92.00
  • Samuel Augustus Mitchell, Map of the Chief Part of the Western States and Part of Virginia, 1839
    Map of the Chief Part of the Western States and Part of Virginia, 1839
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell, Map of the Chief Part of the Western States and Part of Virginia, 1839
    £ 145.00
  • Joseph Meyer, Neueste Karte von Ohio, 1845
    Neueste Karte von Ohio, 1845
    Joseph Meyer
    Series: Hildburghausen
    Joseph Meyer, Neueste Karte von Ohio, 1845
    £ 245.00
  • Samuel Augustus Mitchell, A New Map of Ohio, 1846
    A New Map of Ohio, 1846
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell
    Series: Philadelphia
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell, A New Map of Ohio, 1846
    £ 225.00
  • Joseph Hutchins Colton, The Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny - The City of Cincinnati, 1855
    The Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny - The City of Cincinnati, 1855
    Joseph Hutchins Colton
    Series: New York
    Joseph Hutchins Colton, The Cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny - The City of Cincinnati, 1855
    £ 88.00
  • Samuel Augustus Mitchell, County Map of Ohio and Indiana, 1860
    County Map of Ohio and Indiana, 1860
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell
    Series: Philadelphia
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell, County Map of Ohio and Indiana, 1860
    £ 125.00
  • Johnson & Browning, Johnson's Ohio and Indiana, 1861
    Johnson's Ohio and Indiana, 1861
    Johnson & Browning
    Series: New York
    Johnson & Browning, Johnson's Ohio and Indiana, 1861
    £ 195.00
  • Johnson & Ward, Johnson's Ohio, 1864
    Johnson's Ohio, 1864
    Johnson & Ward
    Series: New York
    Johnson & Ward, Johnson's Ohio, 1864
    £ 295.00
  • Samuel Augustus Mitchell, County & Township Map of the States of Ohio and Indiana, 1882
    County & Township Map of the States of Ohio and Indiana, 1882
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell
    Series: Philadelphia
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell, County & Township Map of the States of Ohio and Indiana, 1882
    £ 140.00
  • Letts & Son, Eastern United States, 1882
    Eastern United States, 1882
    Letts & Son
    Series: London
    Letts & Son, Eastern United States, 1882
    £ 75.00
  • Samuel Augustus Mitchell, Plan of Cincinnati and vicinity, 1884 c.
    Plan of Cincinnati and vicinity, 1884 c.
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell
    Series: New York
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell, Plan of Cincinnati and vicinity, 1884 c.
    £ 64.00
  • Arbuckle Brothers Company, Ohio, 1889
    Ohio, 1889
    Arbuckle Brothers Company
    Series: New York
    Arbuckle Brothers Company, Ohio, 1889
    £ 98.00
  • George Cram, Ohio - North half, 1897
    Ohio - North half, 1897
    George Cram
    Series: Chicago
    George Cram, Ohio - North half, 1897
    £ 195.00
  • George Cram, [Southern Ohio], 1897
    [Southern Ohio], 1897
    George Cram
    Series: Chicago
    George Cram, [Southern Ohio], 1897
    £ 195.00
  • J.A. Stewart, City of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1898
    City of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1898
    J.A. Stewart
    Series: Cincinnati
    J.A. Stewart, City of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1898
    £ 925.00
  • A.H. Mueller, Map of the City of Cleveland, 1898
    Map of the City of Cleveland, 1898
    A.H. Mueller
    Series: Philadelphia
    A.H. Mueller, Map of the City of Cleveland, 1898
    £ 650.00
  • Columbus Lithograph, Railroad Map of Ohio, 1904
    Railroad Map of Ohio, 1904
    Columbus Lithograph
    Series: Columbus
    Columbus Lithograph, Railroad Map of Ohio, 1904
    £ 295.00
  • Karl Baedeker, Cleveland, 1908
    Cleveland, 1908
    Karl Baedeker
    Series: Leipzig
    Karl Baedeker, Cleveland, 1908
    £ 58.00
  • Karl Baedeker, Cincinnati, 1909
    Cincinnati, 1909
    Karl Baedeker
    Series: Leipzig
    Karl Baedeker, Cincinnati, 1909
    £ 44.00
  • Arthur B. Suchy, The Heart of Cleveland Ohio, 1928
    The Heart of Cleveland Ohio, 1928
    Arthur B. Suchy
    Series: Cleveland
    Arthur B. Suchy, The Heart of Cleveland Ohio, 1928
    £ 495.00
  • Arthur B. Suchy, Mother of Presidents, 1950 c.
    Mother of Presidents, 1950 c.
    Arthur B. Suchy
    Series: Cleveland
    Arthur B. Suchy, Mother of Presidents, 1950 c.
    £ 245.00