J. Freeman & Samuel Dana, A Geological Map of Boston and its Vicinity, 1818£ 1,450.00
Capt. F. Dangerfield, A Geological Sketch of Malwa, and part of the Adjoining Provinces, 1823£ 95.00
J. & C. Walker, A Geological Map of England, Wales, and Part of Scotland, 1837£ 4,500.00
Ashford & Loader, Geological Map of England and Wales, 1844£ 625.00
Ashford & Loader, Map and Sections of the Staffordshire Coal Field, 1845£ 125.00
James Reynolds, Geological map of England, 1849£ 545.00
James Reynolds, Geological Map of the World, 1850 c£ 545.00
James Reynolds, Geological map of Scotland, 1850 c£ 545.00
Edward Hitchcock, A Geological Map of the United States and Canada, 1853£ 985.00
United States Pacific Railroad Expeditions (USPRR), Geological Map of the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 1855£ 775.00
United States Pacific Railroad Expeditions (USPRR), Geological Section from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 1855£ 675.00
John Ruthven, Geological Map of the Lake District, 1855£ 445.00
William P. Blake, Geological Map of California, 1855£ 795.00
W. & A.K. Johnston, Geological Map of Europe, 1856£ 3,500.00
James Hall, Map Illustrating the General Geological features of the Country West of the Mississippi River, 1857£ 1,350.00
Robert William Mylne, Geological and Topographical Map of London & its Environs, 1858£ 2,500.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological map of Western Surrey, 1868£ 375.00
Bernhard Studer, Geological map of Switzerland, 1869 c.£ 1,650.00
Geological Map of the Lead Region in the States of Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa, 1870 c.J.D. WhitneyJ.D. Whitney, Geological Map of the Lead Region in the States of Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa, 1870 c.£ 585.00
Newton Horace Winchell, A Geological Map of The Black Hills, 1875£ 585.00
Jules Marcou, Geological Map of the World, 1875£ 4,250.00
Geological Map of England and Wales, 1875Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK)LondonSociety for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), Geological Map of England and Wales, 1875£ 525.00
Reginald A.F. Murray, Geological Map of Gipps Land, 1875£ 825.00
Ferdinand Moritz Krause, Ararat Gold Field, 1876£ 495.00
Sir Andrew Crombie Ramsay, Geological Map of England & Wales, 1876£ 925.00
Survey of India, Preliminary Sketch of the Geology of India, 1877£ 1,750.00
Edward Stanford, Geological Map of Ireland, 1878£ 1,200.00
James Wyld, Map of the Superficial Geology of London and its Environs, 1878 c.£ 825.00
Edward Stanford, Geological Map of Newfoundland, 1879£ 3,250.00
Justus Perthes, Geology of India, 1879£ 325.00
J. van Voorst, Geological Map of Surrey, 1880 c.£ 485.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of England and Wales, 1882£ 120.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of England and Wales, 1883£ 120.00
Reginald A.F. Murray, Geological Survey of Gipps Land, 1884£ 125.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of Great Britain, 1884£ 375.00
Justus Perthes, Übersichtskarte über die Endmoräne der Zweiten Glacial Epoche Nord Amerikas, 1885£ 68.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of England and Wales, 1887£ 375.00
Justus Perthes, Geologische Skizze von Afrika, 1887£ 88.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of England and Wales, 1888£ 175.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of England and Wales, 1889£ 375.00
Torquato Taramelli, Geological map of Lombardy, 1890£ 885.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Geological Map of England and Wales, 1890£ 245.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Sketch-Maps Illustrating the Geographical Evolution of Continentel Areas, 1890£ 175.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of England and Wales, 1891£ 120.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of England and Wales, 1892£ 120.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Geological Map of Yezo, 1893£ 185.00
Ordnance Survey, Isle of Wight, 1893£ 325.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Map of the Labrador Peninsula, 1895£ 325.00
Sir Archibald Geikie, Geological Map of the British Isles, 1896£ 3,500.00
Sir Archibald Geikie, Geological Map of England & Wales, 1897 (c.)£ 550.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Geological map of the Transcaspian Depression, 1898£ 95.00
Edward Stanford, Stanford's Geological Map of London Shewing Superficial Deposits, 1899£ 425.00
Dr. G.A.F Molengraff, Geological Sketchmap of the Transvaal, 1902£ 825.00
George Howard Plummer, Timber Map of Washington State, 1902£ 2,750.00
Geological Survey, Geological Map of London, 1904£ 725.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of England and Wales, 1904£ 150.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Deep Sea Deposits of the South Atlantic Ocean and Weddell Sea, 1905£ 950.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of England and Wales, 1907£ 120.00
Ordnance Survey, Geological Survey of England and Wales Sheet 18 & Part of 17, 1907£ 150.00