• Martin Waldseemüller & Laurent Fries, The Second Printed Map of Southern Africa, 1541
    The Second Printed Map of Southern Africa, 1541
    Martin Waldseemüller & Laurent Fries
    Series: Vienne
    Martin Waldseemüller & Laurent Fries, The Second Printed Map of Southern Africa, 1541
    £ 4,950.00
  • Giulio & Livio Sanuto, Africae Tabvla VIII, 1588
    Africae Tabvla VIII, 1588
    Giulio & Livio Sanuto
    Series: Venice
    Giulio & Livio Sanuto, Africae Tabvla VIII, 1588
    £ 985.00
  • Abraham Ortelius, The Empire of Prester John, 1595
    The Empire of Prester John, 1595
    Abraham Ortelius
    Series: Antwerp
    Abraham Ortelius, The Empire of Prester John, 1595
    £ 3,450.00
  • Filippo Pigafetta, South, East, and Central Africa, 1598
    South, East, and Central Africa, 1598
    Filippo Pigafetta
    Series: Frankfurt
  • Petrus Bertius, The Red Sea, Mecca & Medina, 1618
    The Red Sea, Mecca & Medina, 1618
    Petrus Bertius
    Series: Amsterdam
    Petrus Bertius, The Red Sea, Mecca & Medina, 1618
  • Mercator Hondius, The Empire of Prester John, 1619
    The Empire of Prester John, 1619
    Mercator Hondius
    Series: Amsterdam
    Mercator Hondius, The Empire of Prester John, 1619
    £ 1,850.00
  • Samuel Purchas, Kingdom of Abyssinia, 1625
    Kingdom of Abyssinia, 1625
    Samuel Purchas
    Series: London
    Samuel Purchas, Kingdom of Abyssinia, 1625
    £ 395.00
  • Willem & Jan Blaeu, The Empire of Prester John, 1640 c.
    The Empire of Prester John, 1640 c.
    Willem & Jan Blaeu
    Series: Amsterdam
    Willem & Jan Blaeu, The Empire of Prester John, 1640 c.
    £ 1,850.00
  • Mercator Hondius, The Empire of Prester John, 1651
    The Empire of Prester John, 1651
    Mercator Hondius
    Series: Amsterdam
    Mercator Hondius, The Empire of Prester John, 1651
    £ 375.00
  • Jan Jansson, The Empire of Prester John, 1666
    The Empire of Prester John, 1666
    Jan Jansson
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jan Jansson, The Empire of Prester John, 1666
    £ 1,250.00
  • Pierre Duval, Nubia, 1680 c.
    Nubia, 1680 c.
    Pierre Duval
    Series: Paris
    Pierre Duval, Nubia, 1680 c.
    £ 85.00
  • Robert Morden, Habessinia seu Abassia at Ethiopia, 1688
    Habessinia seu Abassia at Ethiopia, 1688
    Robert Morden
    Series: London
    Robert Morden, Habessinia seu Abassia at Ethiopia, 1688
    £ 145.00
  • Johann Ulrich Muller, Nubia (Sudan), 1692
    Nubia (Sudan), 1692
    Johann Ulrich Muller
    Series: Ulm
    Johann Ulrich Muller, Nubia (Sudan), 1692
    £ 80.00
  • Pierre Mortier, Carte des Principales Ports de Mer Bancs de Sable & c qui sont dans le Mer Rouge, 1700
    Carte des Principales Ports de Mer Bancs de Sable & c qui sont dans le Mer Rouge, 1700
    Pierre Mortier
    Series: Amsterdam
    Pierre Mortier, Carte des Principales Ports de Mer Bancs de Sable & c qui sont dans le Mer Rouge, 1700
    £ 795.00
  • Pierre Mortier, Carte Particuliere de la Mer Rouge & c, 1700
    Carte Particuliere de la Mer Rouge & c, 1700
    Pierre Mortier
    Series: Amsterdam
    Pierre Mortier, Carte Particuliere de la Mer Rouge & c, 1700
    £ 1,500.00
  • Nicolas Sanson, Le Zanguebar | Partie de Zanguebar ou sont les costes d'Ajan et Abex, 1700
    Le Zanguebar | Partie de Zanguebar ou sont les costes d'Ajan et Abex, 1700
    Nicolas Sanson
    Series: Amsterdam
    Nicolas Sanson, Le Zanguebar | Partie de Zanguebar ou sont les costes d'Ajan et Abex, 1700
    £ 475.00
  • Pierre Mortier, Carte Particuliere des Costes de l'Afrique qui comprend le Pays de Cafres &c., 1708
    Carte Particuliere des Costes de l'Afrique qui comprend le Pays de Cafres &c., 1708
    Pierre Mortier
    Series: Amsterdam
    Pierre Mortier, Carte Particuliere des Costes de l'Afrique qui comprend le Pays de Cafres &c., 1708
    £ 925.00
  • Valk & Schenk, Habessinia seu Abassia, Presbyteri Johannis Regio, 1710 c.
    Habessinia seu Abassia, Presbyteri Johannis Regio, 1710 c.
    Valk & Schenk
    Series: Amsterdam
    Valk & Schenk, Habessinia seu Abassia, Presbyteri Johannis Regio, 1710 c.
    £ 725.00
  • Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), The Empire of Prester John, 1715 c.
    The Empire of Prester John, 1715 c.
    Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius)
    Series: Amsterdam
    Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), The Empire of Prester John, 1715 c.
    £ 850.00
  • Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Carte de L'Egypte de la Nubie de L'Abissine, 1730 c.
    Carte de L'Egypte de la Nubie de L'Abissine, 1730 c.
    Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius)
    Series: Amsterdam
    Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Carte de L'Egypte de la Nubie de L'Abissine, 1730 c.
    £ 735.00
  • Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Southern & Central Africa, 1730 c.
    Southern & Central Africa, 1730 c.
    Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius)
    Series: Amsterdam
    Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Southern & Central Africa, 1730 c.
    £ 1,250.00
  • Henri du Sauzet, The Empire of Prester John, 1734
    The Empire of Prester John, 1734
    Henri du Sauzet
    Series: Amsterdam
    Henri du Sauzet, The Empire of Prester John, 1734
    £ 325.00
  • Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Carte de la Coste Orientale D'Afrique, 1740
    Carte de la Coste Orientale D'Afrique, 1740
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
    Series: Paris
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Carte de la Coste Orientale D'Afrique, 1740
    £ 275.00
  • Jacob van der Schley, Carte de la Coste Occidentale D'Afrique depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance, 1747
    Carte de la Coste Occidentale D'Afrique depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance, 1747
    Jacob van der Schley
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jacob van der Schley, Carte de la Coste Occidentale D'Afrique depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance, 1747
    £ 245.00
  • Emanuel Bowen, A New & Accurate Map of the Southern Parts of Africa, 1747
    A New & Accurate Map of the Southern Parts of Africa, 1747
    Emanuel Bowen
    Series: London
    Emanuel Bowen, A New & Accurate Map of the Southern Parts of Africa, 1747
    £ 695.00
  • Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Empire du Monomotapa, 1748
    Empire du Monomotapa, 1748
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
    Series: Paris
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Empire du Monomotapa, 1748
    £ 175.00
  • Willem Albert Bachiene, Nieuwe en Naukeurige Landkaart van Nubie en Abissinie, 1781
    Nieuwe en Naukeurige Landkaart van Nubie en Abissinie, 1781
    Willem Albert Bachiene
    Series: Amsterdam
    Willem Albert Bachiene, Nieuwe en Naukeurige Landkaart van Nubie en Abissinie, 1781
    £ 445.00
  • Jean Lattre, Nubie et Abissinie, 1782
    Nubie et Abissinie, 1782
    Jean Lattre
    Series: Paris
    Jean Lattre, Nubie et Abissinie, 1782
    £ 75.00
  • Antonio Zatta, La Nubia ed Abissinia, 1784
    La Nubia ed Abissinia, 1784
    Antonio Zatta
    Series: Venice
    Antonio Zatta, La Nubia ed Abissinia, 1784
    £ 125.00
  • Charles Francois Delamarche, Southern & Central Africa, 1795
    Southern & Central Africa, 1795
    Charles Francois Delamarche
    Series: Paris
    Charles Francois Delamarche, Southern & Central Africa, 1795
    £ 325.00
  • John Pinkerton, Abyssinia, Nubia & c., 1814
    Abyssinia, Nubia & c., 1814
    John Pinkerton
    Series: London
    John Pinkerton, Abyssinia, Nubia & c., 1814
    £ 175.00
  • John Thomson, Abyssinia, 1817
    Abyssinia, 1817
    John Thomson
    Series: London
    John Thomson, Abyssinia, 1817
    £ 145.00
  • Adrien Brue, Southern Africa & the Cape Colony, 1828 c.
    Southern Africa & the Cape Colony, 1828 c.
    Adrien Brue
    Series: Paris
    Adrien Brue, Southern Africa & the Cape Colony, 1828 c.
    £ 250.00
  • Alexandre Emile Lapie, Carte de l'Egypte de la Nubie, de l'Abissinie, du Kourdofan, et d'une Partie de l'Arabie, 1829
    Carte de l'Egypte de la Nubie, de l'Abissinie, du Kourdofan, et d'une Partie de l'Arabie, 1829
    Alexandre Emile Lapie
    Series: Paris
    Alexandre Emile Lapie, Carte de l'Egypte de la Nubie, de l'Abissinie, du Kourdofan, et d'une Partie de l'Arabie, 1829
    £ 140.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Province of Sennar, 1835
    Province of Sennar, 1835
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Province of Sennar, 1835
    £ 76.00
  • Rest Fenner, Egypt, 1836
    Egypt, 1836
    Rest Fenner
    Series: London
    Rest Fenner, Egypt, 1836
    £ 75.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Nile from Essuan to Al-Leis to Illustrate a Journey to Kordofan, 1839
    The Nile from Essuan to Al-Leis to Illustrate a Journey to Kordofan, 1839
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Nile from Essuan to Al-Leis to Illustrate a Journey to Kordofan, 1839
    £ 85.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Isenberg & Krapf's route from Tajurrah to Shoa in 1840, 1840
    Isenberg & Krapf's route from Tajurrah to Shoa in 1840, 1840
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Isenberg & Krapf's route from Tajurrah to Shoa in 1840, 1840
    £ 58.00
  • John Arrowsmith, Nubia and Abyssinia, 1840
    Nubia and Abyssinia, 1840
    John Arrowsmith
    Series: London
    John Arrowsmith, Nubia and Abyssinia, 1840
    £ 375.00
  • Victor Levasseur, Egypte, Nubie, Abyssinie, 1840 c.
    Egypte, Nubie, Abyssinie, 1840 c.
    Victor Levasseur
    Series: Paris
    Victor Levasseur, Egypte, Nubie, Abyssinie, 1840 c.
    £ 35.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map Illustrating Dr. Beke's Journey through Abyssinia, 1844
    Map Illustrating Dr. Beke's Journey through Abyssinia, 1844
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map Illustrating Dr. Beke's Journey through Abyssinia, 1844
    £ 175.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch of the Lower Courses of the Jubb and Haines Rivers, 1844
    Sketch of the Lower Courses of the Jubb and Haines Rivers, 1844
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch of the Lower Courses of the Jubb and Haines Rivers, 1844
    £ 78.00
  • Peter Jackson, Nubia and Abyssinia, 1850 c.
    Nubia and Abyssinia, 1850 c.
    Peter Jackson
    Series: London & Paris
    Peter Jackson, Nubia and Abyssinia, 1850 c.
    £ 46.00
  • Charles V. Monin, Afrique Orientale, 1853
    Afrique Orientale, 1853
    Charles V. Monin
    Series: Paris
    Charles V. Monin, Afrique Orientale, 1853
    £ 44.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Southern Central Africa, 1856
    Southern Central Africa, 1856
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Southern Central Africa, 1856
    £ 225.00
  • Justus Perthes, Skizze einer Karte eines Theils von Ost u Central Afrika, 1856
    Skizze einer Karte eines Theils von Ost u Central Afrika, 1856
    Justus Perthes
    Series: Gotha
    Justus Perthes, Skizze einer Karte eines Theils von Ost u Central Afrika, 1856
    £ 595.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Mythical Sea of Uniamesi &c., 1856
    The Mythical Sea of Uniamesi &c., 1856
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Mythical Sea of Uniamesi &c., 1856
    £ 295.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), East Africa Expedition - Pangani to Fuga, 1859
    East Africa Expedition - Pangani to Fuga, 1859
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), East Africa Expedition - Pangani to Fuga, 1859
    £ 195.00
  • Justus Perthes, Das Rothe Meer, 1860
    Das Rothe Meer, 1860
    Justus Perthes
    Series: Gotha
    Justus Perthes, Das Rothe Meer, 1860
    £ 78.00
  • Archibald Fullarton, Abyssinia, 1860 c.
    Abyssinia, 1860 c.
    Archibald Fullarton
    Series: London
    Archibald Fullarton, Abyssinia, 1860 c.
    £ 68.00
  • Archibald Fullarton, Ethiopia & Central Africa, 1860 c.
    Ethiopia & Central Africa, 1860 c.
    Archibald Fullarton
    Series: London
    Archibald Fullarton, Ethiopia & Central Africa, 1860 c.
    £ 195.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Africa - The Course of the River Shire, Below Lake Nyassa, and the River Zambesi, Below Kabrabasa, 1861
    Africa - The Course of the River Shire, Below Lake Nyassa, and the River Zambesi, Below Kabrabasa, 1861
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Africa - The Course of the River Shire, Below Lake Nyassa, and the River Zambesi, Below Kabrabasa, 1861
    £ 125.00
  • Justus Perthes, Sudan & the Sahara, 1861
    Sudan & the Sahara, 1861
    Justus Perthes
    Series: Gotha
    Justus Perthes, Sudan & the Sahara, 1861
    £ 155.00
  • Justus Perthes, Sudan & Egypt, 1862
    Sudan & Egypt, 1862
    Justus Perthes
    Series: Gotha
    Justus Perthes, Sudan & Egypt, 1862
    £ 115.00
  • Edward Weller, Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia and the Red Sea, 1863
    Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia and the Red Sea, 1863
    Edward Weller
    Series: London
    Edward Weller, Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia and the Red Sea, 1863
    £ 125.00
  • W. & A.K. Johnston, Map of Eastern Equatorial Africa, 1864
    Map of Eastern Equatorial Africa, 1864
    W. & A.K. Johnston
    Series: New York
    W. & A.K. Johnston, Map of Eastern Equatorial Africa, 1864
    £ 975.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Nile and Western Affluents between the Albert Nyanza on the South and the Sorat on the North, 1865
    The Nile and Western Affluents between the Albert Nyanza on the South and the Sorat on the North, 1865
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Nile and Western Affluents between the Albert Nyanza on the South and the Sorat on the North, 1865
    £ 165.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Discovery of Lake Albert, 1866
    The Discovery of Lake Albert, 1866
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Discovery of Lake Albert, 1866
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Line of March from Adigerat to the River Takkazye, 1868
    Line of March from Adigerat to the River Takkazye, 1868
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Line of March from Adigerat to the River Takkazye, 1868
    £ 195.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map Showing the Line of March from the Coast to Adigerat, 1868
    Map Showing the Line of March from the Coast to Adigerat, 1868
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map Showing the Line of March from the Coast to Adigerat, 1868
    £ 195.00
  • Justus Perthes, Specialkarte des Hochlandes von Abessinien, 1868
    Specialkarte des Hochlandes von Abessinien, 1868
    Justus Perthes
    Series: Gotha
    Justus Perthes, Specialkarte des Hochlandes von Abessinien, 1868
    £ 78.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Wadela and Dalanta Plateux and Magdala, 1868
    Wadela and Dalanta Plateux and Magdala, 1868
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Wadela and Dalanta Plateux and Magdala, 1868
    £ 195.00